Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Introducing Jemma of Handmade Kids

Name and Location: Jemma - Midwest of WA.

What is Handmade Kids?

Handmade Kids is a blog site dedicated to showcasing all the fabulous creators of handcrafted items for kids in Australia.

When did you start Handmade Kids, and what was the inspiration behind it?

Handmade Kids was started in August 2008. I started the blog a I had discovered places such as Made It and Etsy and from there found I was shopping for and looking at handcrafted more and more, and when I would tell me friends they had no idea what I was talking about. So I started a blog of all the items I would find and hoped one day someone would read it.

If you can possibly narrow it down, show me three of your favourite handmade products.

Very hard task, as I have so many favourites, so to narrow it down decided to focus on some softies, otherwise if I covered a bit of everything we would have a list a mile long.

I love toys and softies, and adore One Red Robin, she uses such fabulous fabrics and designs, really individual and so detailed, such as this gorgeous owl. I also love her patterns and dream that one day I will manage to make one (I did try once, it did not work out well lol)

My other favourite softie maker is Nooshka. I have always loved dolls, even tho I have never been a girly girl, so love the character in these dolls.

Another store I am always drawn to is Two Little Banshees, I love the fabrics and the shapes, this fish is especially cute

What is a "typical" day for you?

A typical day starts with at least 4 cups of tea to get the motor running a quick check of email before we head off to school. My days are not interesting in the least, I wish I could say, I pop off to the salon, a quick girls lunch etc, but I have an 20 mth old at home, so my day is spent playing trucks, working on the blog, playing more trucks and cleaning up all day after the cyclone in between more truck playing.

If I gave you $200 and two hours to spend it only on yourself, what would you do?

I would use it to pay for a flight to go to Perth for the day and go shopping (so can I have more than that please). A quick plane trip to the City for a wander around the shops for a day on my own would be lovely, I can pretend I am rich jet setting about the place, I might even pretend that Skywest is my private jet.

1 comment:

Cackleberry Kids said...

Love the new look of your blog!


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