Friday, September 4, 2009

Introducing Stephanie of MooBear Designs

Name and Location: MooBear Designs, Sydney Australia

Your business? MooBear Designs Philosophy is "Designed by children, made by adults and not the other way around" All our designs are either drawn by Moo or inspired by Bear our two oldest children. All their designs use recycled materials which are sewn onto ethically made and environmentally garments. We have just extended our sizes to babies 000-1 and big kids size 2-10. We are also excited to be offering a MooBear Designs Baby Accessories Gift Pack very very soon.

How long has MooBear Designs been operating?
It's beginnings were stitched into concept back in 2006 and we finally launched our online store in May 2009. It was always something I wanted to do and now we are finally here.

What inspired you to start your business?
I have always needed to be creative. Keeping the kids involved in projects is always easy because they want to be creative too. Moo did a drawing when she was 5 years old and we just thought "Hey, that would look great on a t-shirt" and that's what we did. We found some old clothes and scrap fabric cut, out the pieces and after some careful assembling sewed it onto a shirt. After that people wanted their own. We are very Earth orientated and try to do our part for the planet. Our Family business is an extension of what we follow in everyday life. Our shirts have no negative impact on the environment which is like our family. We don't even drive as we live so close to everything it would be silly.

What are your top 3 best selling items?
Moo's Rocket has always been the most popular, Bear's Rar! & Bubble Factory are close behind.

What is a “typical” work day for you?
Hmmm A typical Day... All 5 of us get up. That's always a good start. Carlos and I take turns walking Moo to and from school so if I get to stay home I will often catch up on any sewing. Carlos and I do a lot of tag teaming so he'll play with Bear and Bubble while I do some sewing and then I'll get lunch ready while he does admin or there are always designs to trace and cut although I like to leave that for Carlos. We are lucky that both Bear and Bubble sleep during the day so we use that time to our advantage as well. We also have a policy of not working after 8.30pm. That's our time to sit and relax and enjoy each other with a good movie!! We aren't doing anyone any favours by not resting ourselves. We also have friends and family who like to pop round and help out. Often they play with the kids which frees up more time to tie up loose ends or sometimes they come round and ask what needs cutting.

When you’re not working, what do you do for fun?:
I am down the park with the kids, Crafting with the kids. Moo is learning to sew and Bear doesn't mind sewing either. I love to go to my local coffee shop and read over a hot cup of coffee. If I am not crafting at home I am out somewhere. Oh I love Op shopping. I have to be doing something I am a little bit hyperactive... I need to learn to stop and just watch the world spin round sometimes!!

1 comment:

MooBear Designs said...

Carlos just discovered your interview!! Yay.. it looks great thank you so much!!!

xo Steph


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