Thursday, July 30, 2009

Andrea from Design & PR Girl

Name and Location:
Andrea Hogben
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Your business?
Design & PR Girl Boutique Design and Marketing

How long has Design & PR girl been operating?
Only two months but it's kickin goals!!!
I have been in business before a few years ago having ran my own design agency!

What inspired you to start your business?

I was inspired by all the dedicated women and mothers in business. I too wanted to be a part of that too!
I am a passionate designer and business promoter who loves to help small businesses grow and soar to greater heights.
My Fav saying is: "Ignore everything they say - pay attention to what they do!"

What was your first ever job?
I was a greeting card designer (e.g. birthday cards, wrapping paper etc)

If I gave you $200 and two hours to spend it only on yourself, what would you do?
I would spend the $200 shopping online for my 2 year old son Nate and then soak in a bubble bath. ha!

Have a look at Andrea's impressive portfolio of stunning designs here at

If you visit today
and book any project, you'll receive an ANIMATED BANNER FOR FREE!
(Consisting of 5 frames. Customed designed to match your business/product Sizes available: 125x125 or 150x150)

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