Monday, September 21, 2009

{Query} Tween boy question

Hello readers...can you help me out? I've had a query that I need help answering, maybe you have some ideas?

I am looking at decorating a bedroom for my son over Christmas and need to source some nice fabric. Can you recommend any retailers with some interesting stuff for tween boys - of course he is into soccer and guitars more trains, dinosaurs or rocket ships. I have seen some wonderful ready made stuff on the Next UK website but I can't get it sent here. I would love to hear your suggestions.

Marie, Qld.


About Us said...

Hi Marie...Kim here from The Giddy Giraffe, we're based in New Zealand so I can't give you names of fabric stores sorry. We do heaps of interior design for kids and usually with the tweens age group I suggest going with fabric that is generic ie big stripes, spots etc and then adding accessories to match the theme as these can be changed down the line. I recently painted matching drawer knobs and wall hooks to add to a guitar theme which is why this caught my eye. Nice big pieces of art in your chosen theme always tie a room together too (These are quite easy to make at home). I also know that Treehouse Kids are launching a new sports theme linen range (duvets etc..) in the next couple of months, which Im sure Oz Treehouse will be stocking too. Hope I've been of some help, it's exciting decorating, just go wild and dont be afraid to use your ideas!

Jemma said...

Hi Marie, I love Red Plum Linen, gorgeous simplistic designs and they sell fabric as well, even though he is older, it might give you some ideas.

You can also get some ideas from

Lastly the cotton box has some great quilts that might give you some inspiration as well

Have fun :)



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